Testimonials | Banner

We are truly grateful to the dynamic Sheila Thorne for taking the Camp Fire NJ Team on an inspiring and empowering Cultural Competency journey! Your intense 2-day educational program educated us, brought awareness and raised our consciousness to ensure that DIVERSITY is woven in the fabric of our organization. It’s going to take EACH of us to make a difference for ALL of us…one day at a time, one student at a time. We are truly grateful for this opportunity and so excited to continue this journey!

Testimonials | Kelly Nitti | Camp Fire NJ
Kelly Nitti
Camp Fire NJ

Associate Director

Sheila has been instrumental in partnering with us to help further drive our mission through Stand Against Racism Trainings provided to leadership and staff. Her knowledge of cultural competency and her ability to impart her knowledge in a way that is easy to understand has made a difference in our organization.

Testimonials | YWCA | Helen Archontou, MSW, LSW
Helen Archontou, MSW, LSW
YWCA Bergen County

Chief Executive Officer

I have had the opportunity to witness Sheila’s work as a consultant, speaker, trainer and facilitator on many occasions. She is truly a trailblazer in the multicultural healthcare marketing arena, with particular expertise in areas such as cultural competency and health disparities. Sheila’s work in the field of cultural competency is of the highest quality and demonstrates the expertise that she has honed over the years as a leader within her field.

Dennis A. Mitchell, DDS, MPH Vice Provost
Dennis A. Mitchell, DDS, MPH
Columbia University College of Dental Medicine

Vice Provost

I would rate Sheila’s training competence and performance as superior in both delivery and content. She is a masterful communicator - able to connect with and hold the attention and interest of large audiences. It is obvious that she is well-read and experienced in her field of cultural competence and the issue of health disparities. She presents a compelling case for change in our changing times.

Testimonials | Mark de St. Aubin, LCSW, CT
Mark de St. Aubin, LCSW, CT
University of Utah

Associate Professor/Lecturer

Quick note of kudos for the excellent job you did today hosting an engaging discussion with many great guests on health disparities and the social determinants of health. It's not easy to do what you do - and you do it with such professionalism, passion, knowledge and grace.

We are lucky to get to be able to work with you in the headache community!!

-Kevin & Team

Testimonials | Champ
Kevin Lenaburg

Executive Director

Having attended a number of Ms. Thorne's well received talks, I have found her to be a superb, charismatic, and knowledgeable trainer. She is a leader in the cultural competence field who brings significant expertise and experience derived from her many years of work at the interface between health care delivery, health professions education, and the public and private sectors.

Testimonials | Robert C. Like, MD, MS
Robert C. Like, MD, MS
Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

Professor and Director

Elimination of Racial & Ethnic Disparities
.....There is so much unlearning that needs to happen and re-learning of this information.

Events | CTAHE
Annamarie T. Grise, CMP, HMCC
TCORS Capital Group

Association and Event Management Executive

Sheila has crafted authentic and individually tailored curricula to meet our team “where they are” on the cultural literacy continuum. Sheila’s approach is refreshingly direct yet inclusive. The staff feedback I have received to her program has been some of the most positive ever recorded.

Testimonials | Greg Donaldson
Greg Donaldson
The American Heart Association

Senior Vice President

Sheila is a unique and innovative resource in a field that is continuously expanding, given the dramatic changes in our population and composition of our health professional workforce. Her lectures are spellbinding, her information is timely and her ability to present complex issues in an easy-to-understand way is extraordinarily unique. Her programs are successful because of her unique ability to galvanize community involvement, public sector intent and the enlightened self-interest of the private sector.

Testimonials | Steven W. Kess
Steven W. Kess
Henry Schein

Vice President of Global Professional Relations

Sheila and her team hosted a powerful training. These eye-opening sessions were emotional, informative, and helped us start thinking about a strategic approach in bringing our mission forward to communities of color, in a way that is relevant, and long-lasting. We can’t wait to continue working with Sheila as we progress on this goal!

Testimonials | Catherine A. Soto, MPA
Catherine A. Soto, MPA
Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation

Director, Patient Education & Support

Sheila Thorne is by far the most knowledgeable and engaging presenter that I’ve experienced on the topic of cross-cultural insights! More than 90 percent of the staff rated her session as “excellent” with many touting it as the best training we’ve ever had on any topic at the AHA/ASA!

Testimonials | Toiya Honore
Toiya Honoré
The American Heart Association

National Director, Communications

Sheila teaches openly, honestly, and matter-of-factly about topics that may make folks uncomfortable, including racial and cultural biases. She creates a safe space to unpack her learnings and deepen understanding of health disparities that have existed in our country for far too long. Her messages and teachings are truly universal and applicable for all audiences and industries, from non-profits to for-profits, and from entry-level positions to corporate CEOs, and everyone in between.

Testimonials | Cathy Ferrone Advocacy Relations Director | Amgen
Cathy Ferrone

Advocacy Relations Director

She has a powerful way of grabbing one's attention and inviting people into the conversation she quite ably begins. She knows her subject matter well but just as importantly, she has a way with audiences that makes everyone eager to participate in what she's saying. She gave us the impetus to move our work around cultural competence forward.

Testimonials | Massachusetts General Hospital | Alexandra Sobran | Ann Daniels
Ann Daniels, MSW, PH.D
Massachusetts General Hospital

Executive Director of Social Work

She has a powerful way of grabbing one's attention and inviting people into the conversation she quite ably begins. She knows her subject matter well but just as importantly, she has a way with audiences that makes everyone eager to participate in what she's saying. She gave us the impetus to move our work around cultural competence forward.

Testimonials | Massachusetts General Hospital | Alexandra Sobran | Ann Daniels
Alexandra Sobran, MSW, LICSW
Massachusetts General Hospital

Clinical Director for Social Work

While many individuals and firms market themselves as offering cultural competency and proficiency lectures and programs – I strongly believe that none measure up to the programs of Ms. Thorne. Her knowledge combined with her presentation skills made this absolutely one of the most successful programs of the yearlong series.

Testimonials | Charles L. Robbins, DSW
Charles L. Robbins, DSW
Dean of Undergraduate Colleges at Stony Brook University

Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education